Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to easily make money at home

Ok, that title is a bit misleading, but not completely. A temptation I frequently deal with is the desire to eat out. It is just so much easier than dragging everything out and having to clean it up. We have cut back drastically in this area and it has saved us lots of money. However, I have started paying myself for not eating out and find it much more rewarding. Let me explain....

Tonight, I didn't want to deal with the whole dinner hassle. However, I resisted and prepared a meal. We used up all the leftovers in the fridge and added some fruit, which is a great thing because throwing out leftovers is a big waste. When we were done eating, I got online and transferred the amount of money I would have spent on dinner from my checking account to my savings account. It seems like if I leave it in the checking account, it invariably gets spent on something else. Doing this a few times a month really adds up. Seeing my savings grow at a rapid pace is a reward for not eating out. Next time you resist an unnecessary purchase, reward yourself by saving. It makes telling yourself, "NO" a little easier.

On a different note, a friend gave me a recipe for homemade laundry soap. She swears it cleans better than what you buy in the store and is just a fraction of the cost. I have purchased the ingredients and will be testing it soon. The kids will be getting really dirty this weekend, so I will put it to the test early next week and let you know if it is worth it.

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