Saturday, July 11, 2009

Are there just some cuts you aren't willing to make?

OK, before I get off on this topic, let me apologize for the lengthy delay in posts. We have been doing VBS at two different churches, painting, tending the garden and a variety of other summer projects. I was thinking the other day, IF I was perfect, every day I would have a Bible study, workout, fix three meals, clean up, keep the house neat, tend to the vegetable garden and still squeeze in teaching my kids. However, I am FAR from perfect and all those things don't happen. Every day, something falls through the cracks. There truly isn't enough time in a day for one person to do all that. I think the sooner we realize that and learn to let some things go, and not feel guilty about it, the better off we are. All that to say, the blog is one thing that just hasn't made the cut in a while. Now, back to my topic for today....

Are there just some costs you aren't willing to make? I know there are for me. We all draw that line at different places. One cut I am betting you aren't willing to make is deodorant. I know that I'm not! I don't want to go around all natural and earthy (-stinky!). However, (here it comes.....)

Several months ago, someone I know started using rubbing alcohol instead of deodorant. It wasn't a cost cutting measure. It was due to ongoing allergies to deodorant. She started trying this and has had great success. I did a little research. The odor we associate with armpits comes from bacteria. Alcohol kills this odor causing bacteria. It also has a drying effect which can help prevent excessive sweating. Deodorant has been rumored to cause a variety of diseases, from Alzheimer's to breast cancer. I can't attest to the validity of those claims, but I do believe that the less chemicals we introduce to bodies, the better.

Still, I just didn't think I was ready to give up my deodorant. I mean come on! That is where I draw the line! Curiosity finally got the better of me and I had to try it out. I used alcohol Friday morning. I ran a variety of errands that day, in and out of the heat. I carried my deodorant in my purse, just in case. However, I never needed it. I didn't shower Friday night and Saturday morning, we did hours of yard work. Mowing, weed eating, trimming plants. It is HOT where we are and we worked up a good sweat. I had not applied alcohol since Friday morning. However, post work, still no smell. I was surprised. 36 hours after showering and applying alcohol, there was still no odor.

I know most of you will read this and think what I thought, "There is no way I am going there. There are just some things I am not willing to give up. She has gone off the deep end!" I hear you. I felt the same way. It just stuck in the back of my mind until I finally had to give it a try. Of course, a few of you will tease me about this. I even debated writing about it. I decided to go out on a limb since it has duel benefits. Saving money is just a side benefit. The real plus is not having to put the mix of chemicals on my skin each day. I have been just swabbing it on with a cotton ball. One method you can try is putting it in a spray bottle and adding some essential oil to scent it. Then just spray on. This sounds more convenient, but I haven't been to the store to pick up a bottle yet. Post a comment if you decide to try this, or feel free to post a comment if you just want to heckle me. I can take it!


  1. Love you Merideth!! Maybe I will give it a try.....MAYBE!!

  2. Oh.... !!!! You crack me up. And if I run out, I actually might try it. I will send youa more personal comment on FB! So glad I read this!
